Signs of spring
Happy Irish Day, everyone... Look what I saw this afternoon while I was sitting under the tree in our front yard:BUDS!
I should really go to bed... it's been a long, rather productive, very enjoyable day. Except for the part where we went to the dentist. That was just necessary. Kai has a cross-bite, which I kind of figured out myself a few weeks ago. I had one, too. We can expect to have to go to an orthodontist someday.
Speaking of signs of spring, I went garage sale-ing this morning and found this pretty little mirror:
It's not very big, but I've been wanting a mirror for my office, and I think this one will do the trick.
here we had snow, snow and more snow.....hopefully gone soon
This may be too personal, but you've mentioned your work dealing with climate change AND you live in Colorado, I was wondering if you work at a place which is mentioned in this article:
Climate Change
(Feel free to ignore/delete this comment or reprimand me harshly for getting too nosy!)
No worries, Mary - the truth is, someone who was determined to learn where I work would likely figure it out pretty quickly (especially from the "science" link which includes some of the finer details of the field studies I participated in last year.) So yeah - that is where I work, but oddly, there are about 4 places in Boulder that could have been just as likely, if not more. :) I'm not actually a climate scientist myself - I study chemistry related to air pollution and photochemistry. I'm just interested in climate change as are most atmospheric scientists.
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